Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

非常 SuperBand

Introducing the next IN thing .. Rocker JDB ..

The drummer

The Guitarist

Lead singer - 'The bathroom rocker'

And here singing his very own creation !!

虾角 。。 烧卖 。。 叉烧饱 。。

I am the new Tim Sum boy :)

My first prize !!

Today, mummy & daddy brot me to the Baby fair @ Expo. I took part in the baby crawling contest & won .. . e moment I heard 'ready, get set go', i juz crawl n crawl n crawl as fast as i can.

My prize, $50 mothercare voucher. This is the first time I won a prize .. so happy:)

Hip hip .. horray !! Hip hip .. horray !! Hip hip hip .. HORRAY !!!


16 mAR, mummy & daddy brot me to 2 classes .. JWT & GUG. Er, actually the classes are so -so oni, but as usual, i enjoy meeting my frens who went as well. These are my fav parts of the JWT classes, especially the walking bar. I can walk forward, 'go-stung' & even sideway like a crab .. hehe.
In GUG, the teacher says no photography allow woh.
On 1 more thing, my cousin, bb Keira was born today & daddy brot us to the hospital to visit her after my GUG class. .. she looks so cute :)

An article to share ..

1 of the April mummies posted this on the forum .. my mummy read until wanna Lau Mak sai, so she blog it on my blog. I am going to name this article "Mummy's greatest joy" .. Enjoy reading it !!

妈妈们, 我们的宝贝即将一岁了。 回味当日在你不知情下,这个小家伙已经悄悄的住进你为他而设的 “小摇篮” 。 措手不及时,你还是非常欢迎他的存在。

每一次的复诊都让你回味无穷吗?看着荧光屏里的他在“小摇篮” 里成长有温暖你的心房吗 他的每一个动作有让你乐开了怀吗? 第一次听到他的心跳声有让你觉得这个世界有他才完美吗?

大日子终于到了! 当这个小家伙平平安安的躺在你胸前时,你有感动吗?有流泪吗? 还是当你听到他的哭啼声时,你的眼眶已湿了? 无论伤口有多痛,多不适你都想在最短的时间尽量学习怎么给他最完美的呵护。 抱抱他,抚摸他,亲亲他已变成你的习惯了。 看见他的笑容让你想抱抱他;他的笑声让你走出委屈; 看见他的不适的眼泪让你更想抱紧他;希望你能接过她的痛。 他的不适曾让你寝食不安? 你曾希望不适的人是你吗?

宝贝一天一天的健康成长,是你最大的渴望。 从微笑;翻身;抬头;坐立;拍手;爬行;站立;步行。。。是他给你的爱的礼物。 接下来,我们的宝贝会让我们拥有更多惊喜和幸福。 妈妈们,去年的这个时候你还记得你在做什么呢? 抚摸着你的肚子与他在沟通;忙于为她再添购更多用品还是已经感觉有点阵痛了? 祝你的小朋友生日快乐,健康活泼。